Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The prevalence of the rate of teen pregnancies...?

Teen pregnancy is becoming a serious issue in the United States. What could be causing the rise of this issue? The media is constantly showing teens scenarios of having sex with multiple people, and it implies that a commitment to one person is not necessary. It shows kids their age about having sex with no consideration of moral values or consequences.

Is it the parents' fault that these girls are being given the opportunity to make the choice to have sex in the first place?

Should parents be more careful about what they allow their children, both boys and girls, watch? Should the Media be required to limit the explicity of its television shows, movies, and magazine articles? What are possible solutions?

Our responses:

Chelsie: I think that parents should always talk to their children about waiting to have sex and should remind them of the consequences that come with it. I also think that parents should monitor what their children watch; however,
I don't believe that it's the parents fault if their daughter gets pregnant. She and the father had a choice and should have been responsible enough to know that sex can result in babies raising babies. Girls and boys need to think about these
things before they engage in risky activities.

RJ:Parents should take a stand and teach their kids with a more positive mindset on sex and how it can affect their future. The parents are to blame for the negative outcome on their kids' lives if they refuse to take a stand.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sexual discrimination still alive and well

Sexual Discrimination is a strong subject in today’s society. Women are harassed, made fun of, and looked down at constantly in many situations. What’s even worse is that after the women’s rights movement, it still has not stopped. It happens everywhere, in the work place, in homes, and at shopping areas. People, and not just men, but other women as well, just for some reason have a problem with sexually discriminating whenever they get the chance.


John Cook:

All throughout history, discrimination against many parties has occurred. Women, I would say have been discriminated the most. They have been used, manipulated, and treated negatively. If you really look at it, women are considered lower than men. That is not entirely true. But it is still true in a huge way. It is proven that women will not make as much as a man when they have the same education and work in the same profession. Regardless of those who pledge to affirmative action, it only takes them so far. In full view of the subject of affirmative action, women, especially women of another race, are more likely to get a job than a man. Notice the phrase “more likely”. This statement could be said by any politician in America, taking into account that they use this sentence to account for EVERY JOB IN AMERICA. No it is not true, there are some professions that women are at the bottom of the list when it comes to picking employees. Not only in the topic of jobs but everywhere!!! Women are looked down upon by men in every situation. Just because someone does not have a penis, does not mean that they are completely void of a brain or knowledge of what is going on in the world.

Pablo Zuniga:

What it is - any act that causes someone else to feel intimidated or uncomfortable. It's controversial because that can mean that anything you say can be taken the wrong way by others. That can be jokes, posters in your work area, looks, anything. It's important because in the past employers could use sex as a way to promote or fire employees. Most companies now have training to cover it and they have HR departments that deal with complaints, so if someone says you did something there is always an investigation because they have to cover their butts so they don't get sued.

Samuel Louis:

I feel that sexual dicrimination is still alive, not alive as how it used to be back in day.

Amanda Bridges:

Sexual discrimination has been a problem dated back long ago when my great grandparents were children. Women did not have rights to hardly anything, such as, voting and having jobs. These days obviously women have jobs but they are limited according to some people. Like some people think it's unusual for women to know how to work on a car. Some men talk to women like they're stupid; like they have no idea what they're talking about. Now a days, a lot of women are very are very confident in things like, fixing stuff around the house and so on.