Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome Tues/Thurs class!

Hello, everyone!

This is where 10% of your grade begins. The rules for the discussions are as follows:

1. You will be posting a blog on an issue. What you will do is EMAIL to me the blog on the issue you wish to cover and the commentary you wish to add to the topic (naturally, you've got to start the conversation). I will post it up on the blog site for your classmates; whereupon, the discussion will begin.

2. You will also be responsible for CONTRIBUTING your thoughts, comments, theories, comparisons, rants, raves, inquiries, outrage, etc. on each of the blogs posted by your classmates. It's a give-and-take discussion, as well it should be.

3. Your blog postings and responses must NOT be anonymous. It wouldn't make much sense to grade an anonymous contributor when I wouldn't know to whom I'd grant the grade, would it?

4. Since your blog postings and commentaries aren't going to be anonymous, I expect you to respond thoughtfully and intelligently. Please note, however, that I will not censor your writing. I strongly adhere to the ideology of freedom of speech. I simply ask that you refrain from using vacuous vulgarities and brash insults directed at your fellow commentators. That's not adequate argumentation, in any case.

5. Your blog issue will be on a CURRENT topic that's debatable. This may require you to start reading the newspaper and newsworthy magazines, watching the tube, browsing the internet, and so forth. Direct your blog commentators to certain stories/articles on the topic as well, to assist in your discussion and their contributions.

6. Bear in mind, folks, I'll be contributing, too! Don't let MY vantage dissuade you from posting either (in good argumentation, no side is 100% right or wrong!). That certainly ISN'T what freedom of speech entails. In other words, feel free to disagree with my views. Just be prepared to back up your claim!

7. Have a good time with this. What I hope this blog will do is free your mind a bit and give you some ideas as to research paper topics you might not have thought of before!

So, without further adieu... Let's begin with something easy --

Each of you introduce yourself and give us ONE pet peeve -- one thing that irritates you -- big or small -- that really gets under your skin.

I'll start:

I'm MacKenzie Jennings, and lately, I've been quite irritated with the number of license plates and bumper stickers that indicate drivers' political and/or religious agendas. Personally, I think they should be replaced with messages indicative of the drivers' driving habits instead.


  1. I'm Krista Standifer. What my pet peeve is when there is paper on the bathroom floor and public bathrooms. I know it may sound wierd but I just can not stand when I go to a public bathrooms, and there is paper everywhere on the floor. At times I feel like being the cleaning person and just clean up the mess. Eww!

    Krista Standifer

  2. Hello, my name is Lisa Langanke, soon after I started driving a new pet peeve was created. I can not stand it when people do not use turn signals and randomly switch lanes or turn off in front of me.

  3. Im Rodney Mickens and one of my pet peeves and one thing that really irritates me are people that snore. Everyone of my teammates in my house snores at night and it seems to keep me awake for a long time which makes me tired from being up listening to them snore and then i eventually fall asleep.

  4. Hi I’m Danielle Lee. I like to go by my middle name, Kimber, though. I work at Dairy Queen behind a counter and cash register that is taller than me. I have to stand on my tip toes to see the top buttons on the cash register. When people seem to notice this they laugh at me. What really irritates me about it is the comments that follow. They usually revolve around me using a bucket to see, but range all the way to if I am really old enough to be working there.

  5. I'm Jennifer Malone and I get very annoyed by large trucks on the road. I drive a small car, and at night the lights of these large truks shine right into the line of my vision.

  6. I'm Amanda Bridges, and first of all, I would like to say Ms. Jennings is a great teacher. One of my pet peeves is, in class i can't stand it when people constantely talk for no reason. Honestly it's rude to interupt the teacher and the whole class. As far as the license plates and bumper stickers, I really don't see a problem with them. I pretty much just ignore them.

  7. Whats up? Im Chris Koch and one thing that really pisses me off is younger women drivers. They are always doing something other then paying attention to driving, make up, cell phone, or checking their hair in the flip down mirror, it causes so many problems on roads today they should definatley be getting their license at an older and more mature age. Thanks

  8. I'm Michelle King. One of my pet peeves is people who have a drivers liscence, yet they do not follow the "rules of the road." It annoys me when people drive too slow, turn at the last second and cut me off, don't use their turn signals, and display road rage. These things really get under my skin. They drive me absolutely nuts! It seems to be getting worse and worse everyday.

  9. Hi, I'm Chelsie Sphaler and I one thing that bothers me would be people who aren't motivated. I hate it when someone stands around and complains about something that could be fixed if they would stop complaining and do something about it.

  10. I'm Matthew Bailo and one of my biggest irritations lately has been people who eat in the middle of a conversation. I dispise waiting until the person is finished chewing to hear the rest of a story. Even if it is not that intresting, I'll listen long enough to be annoyed by your pause. So please, either eat first then tell me about the party last night or wait untill your done.

  11. Hello class, I am Gustavo or Gus for short, and one of my pet peeves on the road is when people try to pass me.

  12. HI, I'm Natasha Bird and i get annoyed with elderly drivers. They either drive too slow or they leave their blinker on.

  13. My name is Pablo... and it really bothers me when people wont let go of a subject and keep bringing it up constantly.

  14. I'm Josh Pitek. My pet peeve is people touching me for no reason. This includes the back pat or the shoulder squeeze. The worst is someone who wants to shake your hand every time you see them.

  15. Hi, i'm Shane Caraway and one of my pet peeves is ignorance. When people believe everything they see or hear without doing their own research into the topic really pisses me off. Then they begin telling everyone what they saw or heard and then those people believe it and continue to spread it.

  16. hey I'm Mike Brown. What I find extremely annoying is how many people support/tolerate abortion. it is (in my opinion) the legalized murder of babies.

  17. Hello, my name is Lindsey Ashley and one of my pet peeves is when people find out that I have children they look at me and say "Wow are you old enough to have children?" Dumbass of obviously I didnt adopt them.

  18. I am John Cook. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people feel the strong need to push their beliefs and ideas onto you when you clearly are not interested. not just religious, those annoyances that visit you randomly at 5 o clock in the morning but also political views and life styles.

  19. I'm Allison Kahler and honestly, I really get irritated when my room is completely trashed and I just cleaned it. I am a new mom and I have realized lately that I'm turning into a clean freak and get worried when there is junk on the floor that my daughter shouldn't have. I guess I just like everything clean and fresh!

  20. i'm michael kahler and the main thing that has been bugging me lately is that cigars are being used as probable cause to search cars for drugs. i don't think that should be considered probable cause.

  21. I am Rajiv.I like sports and partying.I am a laid back person but like to have fun.

  22. Hi! My name is Ashley Surrency. I can't say I have just one pet peeve( bu then again who doesn't?). But if I have to narrow it down, I'd go with the Bible Thumpers/Ignorant. These people take their Bible and interpret them in the extreme literal sense vs. reading between the lines and learning life's most valuable lessons. These people also annoy the shit out of me because they do not allow themselves to experience of other cultures and belief systems. Every culture and subsequent religion has something wonderful and beautiful to offer. EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS DAMN IT!

  23. Hello My name is Samuel Louis and I hate when people talk too tooo much. Too much talking isn't healthy. Thats just something that upsets me...

  24. Hey my name is Castor Beckford and I don't like dumb drivers, mindless media, politics, and a number of other things.
