Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mac vs. PC!

Mac vs. PC has become quite the controversy and not just in the techie arena. More and more schools have adopted Mac's instead of PC's. More people are starting to invest in them for personal reasons and buisnesses are beginning to depend
on them.

Wanna know why? Check out our links and responses, and then decide for yourself:

Mac's don't get viruses; although there have been viruses written for Mac's, they are outdated & Mac OS running platforms have plugged the holes. Also, there are not enough Mac users to spread whatever virus that could potentially slip through the cracks. Who wouldn't love a computer without anti-virus programs?? I'm getting ready to buy one, I don't know what has
taken me so long.- Ashley Surrency

One of the biggest problems people have with buying a mac is they're more expensive than PCs. But though they have a higher starting price statistics have shown that Macs require less maintenance, $400 dollars per year less. Macs are actually 36% less expensive to own and run, and an owner of a mac over a 36 month period will save $2211 dollars. -Shane Caraway

I think Mac's are better than PC's for many reasons. Mac's can run all different kinds of programs, as well as the Window's XP and Vista operating systems. For a while, I thought Windows was a better operating system, simply because more games were made for Windows. Mac's were slightly faster and more efficient, but the basic functions were the same. But now that Mac's are Windows- compatible, I think that they are probably better. -Mike


  1. I'm the wrong person to debate the issue. I've been a Mac girl since 1989. I have had horrible difficulty switching to PC's at my workplace(s). The interface, however, of PC's have become much more user-friendly than they were back in my day.

    It doesn't change my mind though.

  2. I really don't know too much about either computer, so I can't say too much one this issue. I honestly didn't even know there was much of a controversy about which computer is better. I have seen the commercials for them, but I kind of just thought it was a joke or something that really wasn't that big of a deal. Now days everyone is competing against everyone, so whose to say which is the better one?!
    -Allison Kahler

  3. Macs versus Pc's.... though call I think! But theres really not that big of a difference between the two. I'm not on computers too much, so I haven't ever really noticed which was better. But from talking to other people, I see that more people are choosing Mac's over Pc's. Well, watch out for those of you choosing the Mac's because with the technology that we have now days, Pc is probally going to kick it up a notch and be right there with the Macs. So if your buying a new Mac and dumping the old Pc, think twice before you do!
    -Michael Kahler

  4. Ya, Macs my look cool, but I don’t like the system. For some people the way the Mac sets up the main page with all the options is what will turn many people away. With the Mac laptops you have to use the pad to click on anything instead of the scroll pad. So the big thing with the war of Mac vs. Pc is personal preference.

    -Castor B.

  5. Brittney Jarrell-MWF 9am Comp2

    Macs are deffinately better. I have owned one for over a year now. The only downfall is, when you finally purchase one, you don't know how to use the programs. It is completely different from a PC. With some practice it becomes easier though. Macs are great for running all sorts of programs on them that even PCs can't run. Before Mac updated iWork, it was difficult using microsoft word on Mac. They finally fixed it now and Pages couldn't be better. I will never use a PC again.

  6. I personally hate Mac, and this is why;

    1. Mac Community – What the hell is a Mac community anyway? I can’t even think of anything to descrbe how asinine the mac community concept is.
    2. Macs are not upgradeable, I have had my PC for 5 years, and it still runs as good as it did 5 years ago. 5 years for a Mac seems like an eternity, take the iPhone for example the original iPhone was released in June 29, 2007 the iPhone is currently now in its third generation which was released in July 11, 2008 so in a little over a year, the iPhone has gone to thru three different generations. Imagine where it will be 3 years from now.
    3. Macs cost an arm and a leg, The cheapest Mac out there can’t and will not go for under $1,000USD. What is the point in spending so much money on something that will be obsolete in 2-3 years?
    4. Poor quality in software, Macs have one of the crappiest selections of programs I have ever seen they have no games, you can’t run the newest software on old Macs, and in fact their selection is so bad, they have to borrow software from Windows just look at, Microsoft Office which now runs on Mac! Why can’t Mac just create iWrite?
    5. Mac users can’t seem to stop talking about how great Macs are, well quite frankly no one gives a damn about how great you think Macs are, and if we did care we would ask! There is no need for Mac users to try to shove their culture down everyones throat.
    6. Macs are for hip young people, well dissaproves of that.
    7. Macs don’t get viruses, and I am going to tell you that the only reason is because no one owns a Mac and there is no point in wasting your time in building something that is going to affect no one to begin with. Just look at the statistics of people who own a Mac of people who own a Mac. so if someone is really out to make other peoples lives miserable they are going to go big, or not go at all.

  7. As of right now, I will stay with PC. Macs might save money over time but technology is changing so fast that their hardware need to be able to be upgraded. Yes they might save money even though they actually cost more but when new better technology comes out you have to buy everything instead of just upgrading. Why buy something that will be obsolete in a year? PCs can be upgraded. If there is a better newer, cheaper graphics card, then just easily replace the old one inside. This goes for RAM, motherboards and hard drives. Until Macs make it possible to upgrade hardware more easily, I will stay with PC.

    --Lisa Langanke

  8. I prefer PC's. I think that the system is more universal, its what I use at work and PCC. Macs look really sleak and hip but I'm not really motivated enough to learn an entirely new software system, especially when I'm not convinced it's all that great.

  9. I personally have never tried a Mac, so I can't really say bad things about it. I love my PC though. If from what I hear from friends, Macs just aren't worth the time. I don't want to learn how to work a different system just to get school work done. I also don't want to buy an expensive computer that doesn't update. Maybe if I tried one out myself, I would have a different opinion about it, but until then I am staying with my PC.

  10. I'm probably the last person to debate with computers. I couldn't even tell you what kind of computer i have. Im looking for a new labtop and now i'll look into the differences between PC and MAC.

  11. I don't have a computer and won't be getting one. Whatever the school uses seems fine to me. I have never had trouble operating any computer I have used, so I have no preference.

  12. Both Mac and PC have their downfalls. I've never gotten a virus on my PC that I didn't walk into knowing the possibility of aquiring one. I've not worked with Mac computers much so I couldn't tell you how good they are, but I can say that as long as you provide your computer with sufficient protection and avoid music download programs like lime wire, and also avoid porn sites, then the chance of your PC to get a virus is limited... ultimately making the Mac and the PC pretty close in convienience.

  13. MAC is a very interesting none virus computer program to use, but I'm stick with my old ways and that's being a PC fan.

  14. I dispise MAC. Fist of all, it is useless unless you need to type something. A MAC's system takes up so much memory (i.e. Vista). Second of all, you will constantly have to buy a new one evry time a new system comes out. PC is highly adaptable and is quite easy to use. Anyone could use a PC with minimal computer skill, however they tend to be more expensive. In my opinion if you need a boring business computer to keep up with your meeting pick a MAC. If you want a computer that enables you to play a top of the line game during those boring meetings or perhaps adapt through the ages then pick a PC....

    Comeon... Who would you be... the square, or the fun guy?


  15. Honestly, I don't know enough about computers to know the difference. I don't really understand what the big deal is between the two other then trying to sell more product. So I'm not going to go out and buy a MAC just because people say it's better.

  16. Is Mac better than a PC? That Question is easy. I don't know and I don't care. They both do the same. You can get on the Internet, play music, creat CD and more on both. So what that the mac is more expensive. If can't afford it buy a PC or use go to a public library.

    Samuel Louis

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I think mac are definitely better than pcs. I have owned one for slightly less that a year. It takes a few weeks to get use to the different format, but once you learn the ins and outs of the mac, the less and less you will want to return to a pc. Also, my mother just purchased a HP laptop, and even though it cost about $350 less, she has spent well over that amount on additional software and repairs. The total maintenance for my mac over the past year has been $0. As for Gustavo, many of your claims are untrue especially the "poor quality in software." There is a mac version for almost every piece of software available. Also, macs do not "borrow" Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office for macs is significantly different from the PC version. They have different features, as well as an altered user interface (much more straight forward, simple, and self-explanatory). Anyone who out right "hates" macs because of made up reasons, 1) has nothing better to do that hold a grudge against a machine, and 2) are simply closed-minded, stubborn, and unable to adapt in a changing world.

  19. Don't forget as well, Lance (and Gus), Microsoft seems to be the end-all monopoly.

  20. I was researching the same thing when I saw this post. I found that the difference is a Mac is that it is capable of running Macintosh OS X, which a generic PC cannot. Modern Macs are also PCs with the ability to potentially run any operating system, including Windows. The downside to a Mac is the price. The lowest priced notebook weighs in around $1,000. But since Apple makes the OS, the hardware, and a good portion of the default software, everything works the second you turn it on. PC spends money on virus and firewall protection Macs save money on not need to buy protection. I like Macs for that reason.

  21. I hate Mac’s with a passion. Want prove if Mac is so much better why would they redesign there whole system to be able to run windows ????. all max does is show childish commercials about how they are so awesome. Like there commercial with him going in to the “surgery” to get a webcam. Yeah cause you can’t buy a PC with a webcam. Mac needs to stop making fun of Pc and realize they are the idiots that now runs windows :D . Only reason that Mac’s mess up less is simply because who the hell would make a Mac version of a virus when windows viruses can hit a lot more people. If you’re a Mac fan go right click something. Only thing Mac’s are better at is video editing in less you do that no good reason to have or run Mac.

  22. Personally, i prefer to use PC, but i do understand that Macs are better overall. I am currently planning to buy a PC but want to eventually buy a Mac.


  23. For whom ever sent an email to professor jennings, please know that in no way was I attacking you personally. In my post, I refuted an argument made against Macs. I feel no need to apologize for anything that I wrote, I stand behind every word it. I understand how naming names could be misconstrued as a personal attack, but please try to understand that this is only an argumentative assignment where participants are encouraged to argue and refute others claims. Nothing was meant to be taken personally.
